I once read that by the time people reach their mid-thirties, they have stopped learning new skills. In addition, they no longer possess the discipline or knowledge to be in control of their lives. Instead, they are moved one way or another by others, the economy, or any other excuse of the moment.
Does that surprise you? If you are over thirty, how long has it been since you learned a new skill or really had a career or life plan? Do you approach a task or obstacle in the same way that you always have? Does a wild idea (or even a remotely different one) challenge you? Have you lost the enthusiasm to try something new? Have you attached yourself to predictability?
Living and learning go hand in hand. Ever see a preschooler have a boring day? To that youngster learning is fun and natural. For most adults, it’s a pain. If you have said, “That’s just the way I am,” or “I can’t change or learn new things,” then you fall into the group of over 95% of adults who only pay lip service to self-growth and improvement.
Now I’m not suggesting you go out and do something with wild abandon, just to prove a point. However, I am suggesting that you take control of your life. Try to achieve mastery over work and life issues that have worried you long enough. Why not broaden yourself in some new way?
A very small percentage of people possess decisive abilities for discipline and results. The rest of us need a support system to achieve our best. Otherwise, there would not be the “rest of us.” Even I have had a mentor and coach for many years.
If there is anything, and I mean anything, you want to change about your career or life in general, it ain’t gonna happen without the guidance, accountability, and vision of a personal coach. The “rest of us” have good intentions, but those good intentions often lead nowhere. In contrast, high achievers readily invest in themselves.
If you can make a decision and act now, you can keep the concrete of predictability from hardening around you. But, if the risks of sailing your ship into the vast ocean of achievement make you seasick, you’d better stay near the shallow shores of security. Concrete sinks fast.
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