A Sure-Fire Formula for Future Success

While on a plane, I read an article written by a futurist.  In the article, he claimed that in the near future, 10 to 15 years from now, employment opportunities would be about credentials.  He suggested that education and training would confer the authority, status,...

5 Mistakes to Avoid That Hinder Financial Return

While having lunch with a client, he asked me a question.  “Why don’t most small business owners make the right money?”  Having owned a few small businesses myself, I could easily tell him why business owners had poor financial returns. Five Key Financial Mistakes...

4 Top Reasons to Improve Your Brand

I get it. You have a logo, website, and perhaps even a shiny new business card. But there is a huge difference between a name and a brand. If your business name isn’t earning you the following benefits, you don’t have a brand. 1. Recall Does your business name sounds...